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Vaccines for children 










This page was updated on: 17 Aug 2021.


Children with cerebral palsy to be offered the Covid-19 vaccine from the age of 12.

Following advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI) the Scottish Government confirmed that they will be offering the Covid-19 vaccine to children at higher risk, including those with cerebral palsy.


The JCVI have been reviewing the evidence on the harms and benefits of the vaccination for children and recommended vaccinating children aged 12-15 that are particularly vulnerable.  Those specifically mentioned were children with:


  • Severe neurodisability (which could include conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism or epilepsy)

  • Down’s syndrome

  • A severely weakened immune system, including some children with cancer

  • Profound and multiple learning difficulties


Vulnerable children at higher risk who are already aged 16 or 17 can be vaccinated under existing rules.

The JCVI has also recommended immunising 12-17 year olds who live with people who have a suppressed immune system, as a form of indirect protection.


When will children get the vaccine?

If your child or young person is eligible, you will be contacted by NHS Scotland with your child’s vaccination appointment details. Some children under specialist care will be contacted directly by their healthcare professional and others will receive a vaccination invitation letter.
Local health boards aim to vaccinate those who cannot attend a clinic in their own home or a care setting. Local health boards will contact the parents or carers of these children directly to organise this.


What about those who are nearly 18?

Young people who are within three months of turning 18 will also be offered the vaccine. The aim would be to get them protected before going to university or starting work.


Which vaccine will they get?

It will be the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. This is the only vaccine that has been approved for use in children in the UK. The medicines and safety regulator has given a license for the vaccine to be used in the over 12s.


NHS Inform has further information on the vaccine programme can be found on NHS Inform.


The Association of British Neurologists (ABN) have already produced guidance on the vaccination programme for all those with neurological conditions, including cerebral palsy. The ABN state that:


“All COVID-19 vaccines are safe for neurology patients. The ABN recommends you take up whichever vaccination you are offered without delay regardless of your age, state of health or medication that you’re receiving, unless you have a specific contraindication such as severe allergy.”


Scottish Government has also shared information for parents and carers of children with neurological conditions about the vaccination programme here:

Frequently Asked Questions for parents and carers


Our website has further information about cerebral palsy and the Covid-19 vaccination.

If you have any further concerns, we advise you to speak to your child’s health professionals.


For any other issues you can contact us.


Tags: cerebral palsychildrencovid-19vaccinationvaccine

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