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Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie


Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie was introduced into the House of Lords this year:


Taking the oath in the House of Lords
The swearing in procedure for taking the oath in the House of Lords is similar as in Parliament. Members of the Lords present their writs of summons at the Table of the House. They then take the oath or affirmation.

Members are also required to sign an undertaking to abide by the House of Lords Code of Conduct.



I would particularly like to refer you to the seven general principles of conduct at the end of page 2 and on page 3:


10. Members of the House should observe the seven general principles of conduct
identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life. These principles will
be taken into consideration when any allegation of breaches of the provisions
in other sections of the Code is under investigation and should act as a guide to
members in considering the requirement to act always on their personal honour

(a) Selflessness: holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public

(b) Integrity: holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any
obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to
influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order
to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or
their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.

(c) Objectivity: holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially,
fairly and on merit
, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.

(d) Accountability: holders of public office are accountable to the public for their
decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary
to ensure this

(e) Openness: holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open
and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public
unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing

(f) Honesty: holders of public office should be truthful.

(g) Leadership: holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their
own behaviour.
They should actively promote and robustly support the
principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.


And on page 10:


The “general principles of conduct”
10. Paragraph 10 of the Code requires members of the House to observe the seven
general principles of conduct set out by the Committee on Standards in Public
Life. These principles apply to all aspects of public life, and provide the context
within which the House of Lords Code of Conduct is read and implemented.



I will let you be the judge as to whether you believe Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie has observed all seven general principles of conduct within the context of  her professional role.  As said these principles apply to all aspects of public life and as the charity in question portrays itself as a public body, Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie ought to abide by the code of conduct when acting as CEO of said charity.

Here is some government official information about Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie's previous appointments. One states an appointment as recent as 2015 (note that she was appointed CEO of Bobath Scotland back in January 2012) as Chief Executive of Horse Cross Arts Limited, resigned 31 August 2019..:

Also she seemingly only resigned from The Dance House as Head of Development on 16 February 2016.

Connections of Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie​


These are the two Lords that introduced Baroness Fraser or Craigmaddie into the House of Lords: 

1. Lord Strathclyde (Thomas Galloway Dunlop du Roy de Blicquy Galbraith)
Lord Strathclyde is the Chairman of the Board of (three) Trustees of this Foundation/charity, with employees with total benefits of between £80k and £90k.. It distributes grants to charities:


The director of this two employee Foundation is Barbra Mazur:

You may find this interesting.. (in effect I am sure you will find previous appointments of all of these people intersting):

Barbra Mazur
Director of the Foundation
With over 15 years in the voluntary sector, Barbra has been with us since July 2015.

She was previously Head of Grants for the John Ellerman Foundation and has also worked as Grants Officer for the Social Welfare Programme at the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, on the Education Programme at the Big Lottery Fund, and at the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Before coming to the UK, Barbra worked at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in the United States. She has served on the boards of Cardboard Citizens, an arts charity that works with homeless people and Restless Development, a youth-led development agency.

Lord Strathclyde is based in London but obviously has a Scotland connection.

He also dabbles (as “adviser", though I guess they are important roles) in insurance, confectionary (Ferrero) and the metal and oil trade industry:



2. Lord Kilwinning


Now for Lord Kilwinning.., he seems "important"..:


..And here comes the BOOM! (Article from The Edinburgh Reporter, July 8th 2021):


Boris appoints Lord McInnes as his new adviser

By Phyllis Stephen - July 8, 2021 3:45 pm

Lord McInnes of Kilwinning has been director of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party, but is now leaving that position after 18 years to take up a new Special Adviser job in Downing Street.

Before joining the House of Lords, Lord McInnes was Conservative councillor for the Meadows/Morningside wardHe was first awarded the CBE in the 2016 New Year Honours and was then awarded a peerage on David Cameron’s departure from Downing Street in summer 2016. A favourite with many incumbents in Downing Street, and a veteran campaigner involved with the Better Together campaign, McInnes will now help the Prime Minister with Scottish matters.

Former Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson, who is yet to take her seat in the House of Lords, said on Twitter that the UK government was “finally getting it” :



Link to full article:


Mr Ian Johnstone​


I discovered that Mr Ian Johnstone is currently a director and/or secretary of not 6 but no less than 17 (other) companies:

A lot of these companies have as registered address:
Titanium 1
King’s Inch Place, Renfrew

where Campbell Dallas, previously headed by Jim Campbell who was also the former Chairman of Bobath Scotland (!), one of the biggest accountancy companies in Scotland, was registered:

The year Campbell Dallas went into (voluntary) liquidation is described as a “solid year” for the (same) firm!:


Campbell Dallas went into liquidation 2016, yet resurfaced very healthy:

Campbell Dallas merged with Scott Moncrieff in 2019, regarded as the merging of two of Scotland’s biggest accountancy firms:

Shortly after both were taken over by azets:


Both GT4 and JRI Properties all have their address (under Companies Houses) here:
Titanium 1
King's Inch Place, Renfrew

which indeed is also the address of azets/Campbell Dallas


UKArchiving Ltd, Ian Johnstone’s 3rd company for which he is secretary and director is based in Renfrew but at least 75% of the shares are owned by SNMU Ltd. since 2016, a company also based at the same address above as Campbell Dallas/azets!
SNMU’s nature of business: Other manufacturing noting otherwise classified, previous name of company:

BLP 2004-03 LIMITED 08 Jan 2004 - 13 Feb 2004

Can’t immediately find BLP 2004-03 but lots of similar companies. I assume this is because they were only in existence for just over a month. I have come across this numerous times since, on my search: other companies are listed as directors for a company but resigned within 2 months or so.. 


It turns out Ian Johnstone is also director of this company!! Since 2004!!!:

Imeta Film Ltd.:

Correspondence address
C/O Davidson Chalmers Stewart Llp, 163, Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4SQ
same address as SNMU Ltd, own at least 75% of the shares and voting rights and has the right to appoint and remove directors.
Previously GT4 owned at least 75% of the shares..owned by Ian Johnstone
AND he is also a Director of Imetafilm Ltd..
All the leads trail back to pharmaceutical companies eventually, who have shares in each other's companies.. 
e.g. Munro Healthcare Group Ltd., Munro Healthcare Pharma Ltd.

Here you can see JRI Properties has just 2 employees! (both directors, I assume husband Ian James Johnstone, Pharmacist, and his wife?, who is an accountant):
This one is extremely interesting and enlightening!!
He is also director for Gavin Watson Ltd. which also has its registered address at Campbell Dallas - auditors are Azets
Assets: £99,690 cash, £3,290,638 equity

Total comprehensive income for the years 2019 and 2020:  £175,334 and £182,626 respectively


He is also Director of this company, also registered at Campbell Dallas’ address, with an equity of £3,126,187 :
GT4 Group Ltd. who has the same 4 directors of which one of them is also the secretary, owns 75-100% of the shares.


He also is director with 2 of these directors of GT4 Software Ltd, same address again, which has an equity of £1,216,660
GT4 Group Ltd. own 75-100% of the shares:


The GT4 Group Ltd. has the same 4 directors (and an additional 2)
Shares seemed to be owned between Ian Johnstone and ?his wife:

Another company with same address of which he is director:


He has been a Director of the following company since 2002 to date as a pharmacist together with a Professor/Lecturer - manufacturing of food products and over the counter (OTC) and prescription only medicine:
Done trial to do with technology for immunity and infection:


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