free your movement
free your potential
Filip Vervaeke

optimising movement, confidence , creativity and health

I grew up in a small village in Belgium together with my mum, dad and two older sisters. My best and most important time was spent as part of the local youth group, as a child and from 18 as a leader, until 23.
I have always been interested in how the body works, and moves in particular. Even before i turned an adult myself, i knew i wanted my future job to be with children.
I trained as a kinesitherapeut (movement therapist) in Leuven, Belgium and qualified in 1995. After my studies i moved to Glasgow and worked for two years in a general hospital in the eastend and three years in community paediatrics in Lanarkshire before joining the Bobath Scotland (now Cerebral Palsy Scotland) team in 2002. I worked there for almost 20 years until my conscience invited me to leave.. and pursue the next chapter of my working life.
So i am currently training at at the International Center for Molested and Abducted Children (ICMA2C) and the Victim and Criminal Profiling Academy (VCPA) and establish myself as therapist for victims of sexual abuse as well as for sex offenders.
My aim is to really listen and respond to individuals with curiosity and compassion, in whatever role i am in, be it a father, an assistant, a 'leader’, a friend, a 'facilitator'.
In addition i am also a yoga teacher, having practised yoga more than half of my life, having done two years of yoga teacher training and been teaching yoga to children for over six years.
I am the proud father of four wonderful children.

with my youngest daughter