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Today I am mourning victims of pedophilia and other child abuse and torture


Monday 19th September 2022 - when we were being urged to mourn queen Elizabeth II who was at least responsible for cover up of pedophilia within the British royal family (but most likely responsible for very many more atrocities..) - I painted this on the back of a banner (which contained propaganda about 'social distancing', masks, testing etc.) that was hanging at our local primary school:

It is hanging up again at the local primary school, though with the back of it facing forwards..

I share this with the recommendation only to delve deeper into this when you feel ready.

You can also decide when you want to share this with others.

Because as Mattias Desmet says: "We must keep on sharing.." (see further down for a nice explanation about mass formation by Mattias on blckbxtv)

Anneke Lucas TED Talk:

From Child Sex Slavery to Victory - My Healing Journey | Anneke Lucas | TEDxKlagenfurt

Anneke is originally from Belgium & the transformation that she went through is truly phenomenal.. Liz en I watched together a few of her contributions after learning about her from John Paul Rice (see further down). It feels right to share this now.

Anneke Lucas Part 1:

Anneke Lucas Part 2:

Anneke Lucas: I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6 (SEQUEL-PART 1) (Human Trafficking):


Anneke Lucas: Why I Won't Publicly Name Names (SEQUEL-PART 2): ​

TSF Episode 172 - Child Sex Slavery Survivor Anneke Lucas and Her Quest for Love, Part 1

TSF Episode 173 - Child Sex Slavery Survivor Anneke Lucas on Healing Ourselves and the World, Part 2

Her website and book, "Quest for Love, Memoir of a Child Sex Slave"

Description of the experience of a Satanic Ritual (Abuse) (2min):

John Paul Rice:

Fairly recent documentary..

Marc Dutroux: The pedophile & serial killer whose crimes changed Belgium (TW)

High Level Child Trafficking Ring:


Recent episode of blckbx today (with professor Mattias Desmet):

Sent with love & gut instinct, filip



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