On 14th November 2021 I contacted OSCR, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
This is the Board of OSCR: https://www.oscr.org.uk/about-oscr/oscr-management/oscr-board/
This is the Code of Conduct for members of OSCR:
These are OSCR's Functions: https://www.oscr.org.uk/about-oscr/our-work-2/functions/
I have raised a concern with OSCR using the Whistleblowing form, as my whistleblowing experience was a non-starter from finish to end..
Interestingly I did not hear back from OSCR, not even an acknowledgement of receipt of my form..
I thus emailed them and re-submitted the same form to them yesterday, 22nd December 2021. This time I received an acknowledgement of my email almost straight away and then also on the same day an actual initial response.
You can find out more here, including a link to the whistleblowing form submitted and their initial response finally: 'Investigations'.
So now we wait (again)..
Though in the meantime, anyone can raise a concern with OSCR regarding a charity. This is the form to use if you have a general concern (i.e. not of a whistleblowing nature):